Phương pháp thi công khoan đường ống dẫn khí


Phương pháp thi công khoan đường ống dẫn khí 



1 Installation of protective fence

1.1 Method summary

       - Locating the fence installation area by means of surveying north.

       - Construction and installation of barriers around the construction area.

 1.2 Illustrations                                              

Phương pháp thi công đường ống để thu khí

2. Pile driving plan

1. Method summary:

- In order for the construction process of larsen piles to take place quickly, safely and effectively, it is necessary to carefully prepare equipment, machinery and tools. Determine the position to drive the pile through design drawings, measure the exact distance of the pile. Currently, there are 2 advanced methods of construction of larsen piles: using vibrating hammer and static pressing.During the construction process, regularly check the joints, the underground electrical and water systems to detect problems, if any, to be promptly remedied.Always pay attention to the foundation, avoid the phenomenon of subsidence, etc.

Ensure the path of the machine to prevent the machine from entering the construction site. If the construction site of larsen piles is bad soil and sand causes many difficulties, then water plowing should be carried out.

It is never allowed to use the machine directly under high voltage lines, causing high danger. Fully equipped labor protection for workers operating on the construction site.

Place danger signs at necessary locations.   

  2.2 Illustrations                                      















Piling area and location

 The work shall be started upon site clearance & approval of installation schedule.

Checking insert layout follow to approved insert drawing at areas where the insert were embedded.Marking manhole location and building reference.

 2.3 Illustrations       

Pile driving plan

 Method summary:









Slurry propulsion method, the front has been filled in the cutter chamber sealed slurry propulsion machine with a partition. About the pressure of the slurry, to stabilize the cutting surface by keeping the pressure to meet the soil pressure and groundwater pressure of cutting surface.

Also, while the soil was excavated by the rotation of the cutter head by mixing the mud and fluid carry outside shaft, depend on installed thrusting force, jacking pipe is being pushed. The fluid transport, was discharged slurry is separated into sand and mud by slurry treatment equipment provided outside the departure shaft, slurry is pumped again to the cutting surface. This process will be repeated to form the circulatory circ

1. Equipment installation work:

Basic surveying:

Jacking pipe center is based on design documents. Established the survey stations toward forth and backside of launch shaft. From the forth station A, place surveying equipment, make a collimation line to backside station B. After confirmed jacking center line, move telescope down to the top of opposite H beam and make   accurately mark.

Next, move and place surveying equipment on station B. From station B, do the similar work on the opposite side.

To ensure that two temporary points will not disappear, mark this marks by g 

5.2 Illustrations

Phương pháp thi công khoan ống dẫn khí

Equipment on site & disposition:

It is also possible to prepare the crane truck of 6t, the equipment be transported by truck, and be placed in a location that has been decided in

     5.3 Illustrations

Phương pháp thi công đường ống dẫn khí

Equipment installation in departure shaft:

As for the underground equipment work, we can set up a 6t crane truck.

  • Lifting equipment and safety equipment work:

Lifting equipment is in consideration of the various equipment and adaptation to the depth of the shaft.

  • Soft eye work:

In pipe jacking process, to prevent the leak from underwater and muddy water from the gap between the cutting sPhương pháp thi công đường ống dẫn khíoil surface and the top of shield machine into the pit, need to construct entrance to do it carefully.





















Elevation and direction of jacking frame have to be surveyed carefully while placing.

Jacking frame is the basis of pipe jacking system, fixed welding into the pit is necessary.

 5.5 Illustrations

Phường pháp thi công đường ống dẫn khí

  • Shield jack placement:

Shield jack has to be paralleled with jack frame.

  • Departure shaft equipment work:

Flow sensor, surveying equipment, control panel, lighting equipment are installed into decided position.

Electric equipment is considered to work in high humidity environment of launch pit.

Submersible will be installed perpendicular to the drainage hole in the pit. In addition, to prevent the submerged due to stopped in the pump, the float with the pump is installed, takes from another system and each power supply jacking system equipment to manage at any time that there is no damage to the damage to the connecting portion, we will immediately exchange if you have discovered the da 

5.6 Illustrations

Phương pháp thi công đường ống dẫn khí

 Pipe jacking:

Shield machine to site - installation:

When equipment system was completed, shield machine is transported into the site by truck and placed on jack frame by.

5.7 Illustrations



Phương pháp thi công đường ống dẫn khí
























Soft eye opening:

First, we open 5cmx5cm confirmation holes in entrance area to perform the confirmation of stability and waterproofing situation of soil.

If the soil situation was judged to be good, cut the entrance into 2-4 pieces.

After the rough cut, first in order to shorten the opening time of the ground, install water stop packing and the holding bracket, push immediately shield machine into the entrance after cleaned. In this case, by applying a lubricant to the wellhead packing, peeling, and then penetrating such damage.

5.8 Illustrations

Phương pháp thi công đường ống dẫn khí

 Initial excavation:

In initial excavator process, has a high risk to be scuttled because of the own weight of the excavator, it falls from the jacking frame, etc.

In addition, since the cutting surface started rotating, to keep shield machine do not rotate according to cutting surface, steel were welded to the excavator and keep the pushing speed in the range of 10-12 mm/min.

Muddy water pressure is under water pressure +10~20 KN, flow is about 0.4 ~ 0.6 / min in process.

5.9 Illustrations

Phương pháp thi công đường ống dẫn khí

Pipe jacking:

Slurry pressure, flow rate is the same as the initial excavation, do the excavation. About directional control of the excavator, the operation is carried out is based on survey results to operate by direction correction jack in the shield machine. Jacking speed is depend on cutter torque capacity, excavated soil quantity.

Excavated soil and sand are classified by primary processor then remove out site.


Phương pháp thi công đường ống dẫn khí




























5.10 Illustrations

Slurry mixing:

Stabilized slurry water are degraded by various effects from excavated soil in thrusting process. From time to time, conducting to measure confirm and adjust the slurry properties by water and clay powder suitably to reuse.

About measurement frequency of slurry: every pipe once, use specific gravity meter to check specific gravity, viscosity measured using a funnel viscosity meter.

Lubricating material injection:

Since the pipe jacking length extended, frictional resistance force is generated between the jacking pipe and the natural soil resist major driving force. Injecting the lubricating material to reduce as much as possible the frictional resistance force becomes necessary.

           5.1.2 Shield machine recovery:

Exit soft eye work:

After shield machine arrived arrival shaft, open the confirmation hole to check the status of position and soil of the shield machine, then create the exit.

When you push the shield machine, to slurry water, lubricating material from the gap between machine and soil cut surface do not flow into the arrival shaft, by tighten a water stop packing of exit by wire, it can stop water.

Phương pháp thi công đường ống dẫn khí5.1.3 Illustrations


























Exit soft eye opening:

The same with entrance, open the confirmation holes about 5cmx5cm in exit, confirm the stability of soil and stop water situation. If the situation was judged to be good, cut the exit into 2-4 pieces about.

After the open the exit, install water stop packing and the holding bracket, push immediately shield machine into the reception pit. After extrusion, keep tightening more the water stop packing at the wire turnbuckle which has been installed before.

Shield machine recovery:

After shield machine arrived, install machine reception frame, split the machine into sections. Then use crane truck to lift and move it outside of the pit.

After the shield machine was recovered, push jacking pipe system to predetermined position, and then removing the arrival frame.

 5.1.4 Illustrations

Thi công khoan đường ống dẫn khí


Minh Phương Corp là Đơn vị

- Chuyên Tư vấn lập dự án đầu tư xây dựng trên Toàn Quốc.

- Đơn vị chuyên thi công dự án khoan ngầm các đường quốc lộ, đường thủy con kênh ,sông lớn trên Toàn Quốc.

- Đơn vị viết Hồ sơ Môi trường các nhà máy vận hành, khu công nghiệp, các cơ sở hạ tầng kinh doanh, sản xuất.

+ Giấy phép Môi trường các Cấp.

+ Báo cáo Công tác bảo vệ Môi trường hằng năm.

+ Báo cáo Đánh giá tác động Môi trường ĐTM.

Tại sao nên chọn Công ty CP Tư vấn Đầu tư & Thiết kế Xây dựng Minh Phương ?

Công ty được hình thành trên cơ sở sáng lập viên từng là giám đốc dự án, kỹ sư chuyên ngành xây dựng, công nghệ kỹ thuật, quản trị kinh doanh, từng điều hành các tập đoàn lớn, các Công ty Liên doanh nước ngoài hàng chục năm.

Với đội ngũ nhân viên đầy nhiệt huyết, năng lực, và giàu kinh nghiệm.

Là Đơn vị chuyên tư vấn và nhận thầu các dự án đầu tư và thiết kế xây dựng trên Toàn Quốc.

Tư vấn nhiệt tình, giá cả hợp lí, mang tính cạnh tranh cao.

Quy trình làm việc đảm bảo tiến độ nhanh chóng, hiệu quả cao nhất:

Chất lượng dịch vụ được khách hàng tin tưởng và ưu tiên đặt khách hàng lên hàng đầu.

Triển khai thực hiện ngay khi khách hàng kí hợp đồng.

Đảm bảo đúng tiến độ hoàn thành dự án.

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