Hdd driling
1246 Lượt xem
Directional drilling & underground tech is a method of construction and installation of a new underground pipeline by putting the drill bit underground and using a large-capacity hydraulic jack to push the segments into the ground.
1681 Lượt xem
Directional drilling & underground tech is a method of construction and installation of a new underground pipeline by putting the drill bit underground and using a large-capacity hydraulic jack to push the segments into the ground.
1514 Lượt xem
Minh Phuong Corp has a full range of underground drilling services and our business includes the entire process of exploration, development, and construction of an underground drilling project.
1623 Lượt xem
All horizontal directional drilling job shall be performed in strict accordance with all governing federal, state, and local regulations. The horizontal directional drilling HDD operations shall be conducted in accordance with the latest approved editions of the following referenced documents where applicable: