Hdd driling
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The underground drilling through and various obstacles by underground drilling technique is more and more widely used around the world.
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However, For the project to have the best effect, we must ensure safety during the construction stage.
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Here are a few pictures of the Drilling work to pull LNG pipes across the road for oil and gas companies in Ba Ria – Vung Tau:
2005 Lượt xem
Pipe Jacking auger method is a technology for installing pipes in the ground, hydraulic jacking equipment is used to excite pipe joints in series synchronously according to the construction speed of the drill head from one jack to another, receiving well to create a long and smooth pipe.
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Bentonite solution must not be layered, the surface of the solution must be smooth. Bentonite particles must not be touched by hand, and bentonite is not visible when picked up and picked up.
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The plan of construction of horizontal drilling technology (HDD) and drawing HDPE pipes applies to the following jobs:
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The pipe jacking auger method is a technique for installing underground pipes. pipe jacking construction method is used to push the special tubing into the ground with the front-mounted machine head.
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With a simple natural gas line installation process, shorten the construction time, less impact on the environment and living activities of the residents around the construction area.
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Underground cable installation equipment will carry tons of cables and at a slow speed, the vessel will slowly spread the cable to the seafloor according to detailed instructions of the network provider.